We hereby present the new version of the Map of the Spanish Musical Heritage standing by our commitment to work on the extension and updating of its content.
If the second edition –published in 2015- widened the field initially represented in the Map, the current version includes new categories such as the immaterial heritage and the sound archive, thus broadening the horizons not only in number (with more institutions represented, exceeding the 359 records of the first edition up to more than 600 in the current version), but also in the information comprised. In general terms, each record offers the contact details and the location of every institution, as well as a description of their collections and archives and a selection of bibliographic references related.
However, the third edition of the Map of the Spanish Musical Heritage not only implies an increase of institutions and information. This publication also brings about important innovations, such as the conversion of the old static Map into an interactive web, allowing a constant correction and updating –one of the great changes and improvements of this new version.
These improvements meet the objective of the Centre for the Documentation of the Performing Arts and Music (CDAEM) for creating resources which, with the aid of the new technologies, highly allow our users the access to the sources of information. Thus, the Map offers in its third edition a renovated design for browsing, researching, printing and visualizing the records from any type of device.
I hope that this new publication will be useful and interesting for those who want to obtain a more detailed knowledge of our musical heritage. Finally, I would like to thank for the dedication, information and comments to those who contribute to the development of this project and, specially, to the CDAEM’s team of documentalists.
Javier de Dios López CDAEM’s director
The musical heritage as a resource
Among the main Spanish music archivists of the 19th century, determined to write a history of the national music in accordance with the positivist and historicist currents of that time, Francisco Asenjo Barbieri, was, without doubt, who had a modern and clear vision of the importance of our music heritage. His activity as researcher –as well as bibliophile and collector- led him to frequent important collections and sometimes establish a friendship to their managers: archivists, curators, librarians and even some Kapellmeister. It is quite remarkable that one of his last wishes was to donate his rich collection and archive to the Spanish National Library, an example who would be followed by other scholars, collectors and musicologists like Felipe Pedrell did with his legacy to the Library of Catalonia.
Since then, resorting to musical sources is considered a prerequisite for any musicologist, historian or musician interested in the study, contextualization and recognition of the repertoires of the past, either recent or distant. To locate and inform about them has been the task of the researchers as well as their managers. Throughout the 20th century, but especially in its last third, various catalogues and inventories of music archives and heritage libraries have been produced and published as tools to research, recover and disseminate their own collections. We could also say the same of the museums housing collections and pieces which organologic interest make us be able to consider this musical instruments as true documents for the study and performing of historical music as well as that of the oral tradition.
In this sense, the Centre for the Documentation of the Performing Arts and Music (CDAEM), aided by current technologies, offers the Map of the Spanish Musical Heritage to researchers, performers, producers and those interested in it. Based on our databases, especially the Recursos de la Música en España (Musical resources in Spain) and the BIME-Bibliografia Musical Española (BIME-Spanish Musical Bibliography), we have produced a directory that helps locating collections and documents the user will require at any moment. We would like to thank both Antonio Ezquerro Esteban and Jon Bagüés Erriondo for their essential cooperation in earlier projects, such as those carried out by RISM-España and the more recent one by the AMA-Grupo Español (within the Spanish Association of Musical Documentation, AEDOM) which helped us in our work.
We hope that the musical heritage will be another resource of our cultural tradition, a testimony that the musical creation and practice have been accumulating in our institutions as a rich sediment on which building an educated and civilized society. We believe that the Map of Spanish Musical Heritage is contributing to this task and fulfills one of our objectives as a documentation center.
Antonio Álvarez Cañibano
Director of the Centre for Documentation of Music and Dance
November 2014
[Presentation of the 1st edition]
The second edition of the Map
At the closure of the Symposium: “La gestión del patrimonio musical. Situación actual y perspectivas de futuro” (“The management of the musical heritage. Current situation and future perspectives”) –held in Madrid between the 19th and the 21st November 2014- we presented the Map of the Spanish Musical Heritage and committed to work on a second edition comprising the information that for any reason was left aside and correcting as necessary the former edition. But the suggestions and considerations posed during the public discussions of each one of the eight conferences in which the symposium was structured –the final considerations together with the minutes can be viewed in this same web- opened for us a new horizon. For the second edition, we needed to take into account new categories, such as the immaterial heritage and the sound archives. To do this, it was a need to review and extend the criteria of selection and edition, and taking into account entities –as, for example, some ethnographic museums- that did not appear in the former edition. These are the main contributions of this publication that we offer to researchers and the general public a year later, that contains around 540 records –almost 200 more than the first one.
One of the reasons that motivated the preparation of this new edition was the reception accomplished by the Map among users and musical document managers. This interest led to a high number of searches as well as the delivery of information that completed or corrected the one we offered. Once again, we must thank anyone who contributed in the production of this edition, especially the director of CEDOA, María Luz González Peña, the director of Eresbil – Archivo Vasco de la Música (Basque Music Archive), Joan Bagüés, and Josep Maria Gregori, director of the IFMuC project, for their cooperation and enthusiasm.
Lastly, we are also satisfied for the fact that the Culture Conference has approved on 16th December 2014, following a proposal of the INAEM and as a consequence of the symposium and the Map, the creation of a Working Group for the Management of the Musical Heritage, that has been already established and that has suggested a series of actions with a view to caring for the legacy of one of the most ephemeral arts.
Antonio Álvarez Cañibano December 2015
For the production of the Map we have taken into account the following types of institutions: archives, libraries, documentation and research centers sound archives with a heritage fonds, collections and museums, provided that they have an open access to the public and/or the researchers.
The information is visually provided in the Map with markers of various colours that show the location of the different type of institutions:
Besides a direct access by browsing through the map and clicking on the shortcut icons, you can go to the content through a search engine that retrieves information for any word/any field. You can also refine the search by applying filters like type of institution, type of content, or type of legacy.
The result of the searches can be viewed and printed in List mode, or directly on the map, where, when zooming in, appears an increase of markers that show the location of every institution. By clicking on them you can firstly access a basic information of the location and its Record, including the following information:
Information is complemented by a selection of general bibliography and from the Comunidades Autónomas about Musical heritage in Spain, specially focused on research and sources.
In order to search information you can use two different systems
Simple Search
In order to do a simple search you should insert the criteria in the field and click on the Search button.
The system will execute a documental type search, this means that the search will use all the Sites main fields for looking inside.
The criteria will be splited in separated words.
SIn order to avoid this word splitting, because you want to use an exact phrase, you should quote the criteria using double quotes .
For example:
In anycase the following does not matters:
Advanced Search
The Advanced Search let you identify the field that should be used in the process.
The sintax is like fieldname=fieldvalue.
In this way:
The available fieldnames list is:
You can use a quoted criteria as a fieldvalue.
For example: